Recreation Management Plans: Quality Audits: Satisfaction Surveys: Site and Facility Improvement: Visitor Surveys: Visitor Management, Information and Interpretation: Funding and Grant Applications: Feasibility Studies
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Important Notice for Existing and Potential Clients:

As from 4th March 2013, Phil Lomax, Director and Principal Consultant of Green Dimensions is moving to take up a position as Principal Ecologist at Thomson Ecology.

Lakeside, Eastleigh (Image courtesy of Eastleigh Borough Council)
Fleming Park leisure Centre (Image courtesy of Eastleigh Borough Council)
The celebrated Longstock Water Gardens in Hampshire, part of the large estate owned by the John Lewis Partnership.
A beautifully designed and maintained town square in France.
Horse riders
One of many sculptures in  an open air exhibit at a park in France.

Recreation and Open Space Management and Improvement

How well are your open spaces and recreational facilities performing?
 While an adequate supply of open space and recreational opportunities is important in meeting the needs of communities, the way in which they are managed and their accessibility are critical to their successful use and enjoyment.

Text Box: “The Government is committed to improving the quality of parks and green spaces so that everyone has access to good-quality green spaces, close to where they live”.    “To achieve our ambitions for a healthier, nation by 2012 and beyond, we will need a world-class delivery infrastructure for physical activity”.  Be Active, Be Healthy: A Plan for Getting the Nation Moving. Department of Health, 11th February, 2009.    “Throughout the sport and physical activity sector the quality and availability of data on facilities, participation, long term trends, behavioural and other factors is very poor. This does not invalidate the case for action, but weakens the ability to make decisions fully based on evidence”.  The Game Plan, DCMS, 2002.

Want to know how to improve the quality and usage of your facilities?

GreenDim.bmpis experienced in managing open space and recreational facilities so that they can achieve their full potential to meet community needs and aspirations, whilst simultaneously maximising the income they generate. If you want to assess how well your open space sport and recreation facilities are performing, or are planning to improve them, please contact us. Just send us an e-mail or contact us by telephone.

GreenDim.bmpcan provide experienced professional advice and support in the following areas:

  • Folded Corner: Need information or interpretation for your park? We can provide the full package, from research, writing, design and graphics, and production in your chosen media/format e.g. outdoor panels, booklets, web-based, etc. Contact us!Management Plans (for parks, open spaces  and  recreational facilities)
  • Quality Audits
  • Satisfaction Surveys
  • Visitor Survey/ Visitor Management
  • Improvement of Sites/ Facilities
  • Visitor Information/ Interpretation
  • Funding and grant applications

For recent examples of our services in this area, please see Case Studies .

Text Box: Quick quiz questions –   1) What is the main national standard for assessing the quality of parks and open spaces in England?    2) How can I find out what public satisfaction ratings are for sport and recreation facilities in my area?

Check out your answers here!

Folded Corner:  ......we have the answers to your questions. Please don’t be afraid to ask. Contact us now!


Lakeside, Eastleigh (Image courtesy of Eastleigh Borough Council)
Fleming Park Leisure Centre, Eastleigh (Image courtesy of Eastleigh Borough Council)
Strolling in the woods
Family enjoying close contact with wildlife at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust reserve at Arundel.
The boardwalk through marshes at the Aylestone Meadows Local Nature Reserve in Leicester.
Hurst Castle and the salt marsh
Web Site Development and Wildlife Photography by Andrew Walmsley
Copyright © 2008 Phil Lomax and Andrew Walmsley  All rights reserved
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