Sport and Recreation Strategy: Policy Planning: Parks and Open Spaces Strategy: Sport and Recreation Facility Planning: Assessment of Needs and Opportunities: Facility Audits: Feasibility Studies: Funding Applications
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Important Notice for Existing and Potential Clients:

As from 4th March 2013, Phil Lomax, Director and Principal Consultant of Green Dimensions is moving to take up a position as Principal Ecologist at Thomson Ecology.

Colden Common Play Area
Fleming Park leisure Centre (Image courtesy of Eastleigh Borough Council)
Out for a cycle ride (Image courtesy of Eastleigh Borough Council)

Answers to Our Quick Quiz Questions!

1)  How much open space and recreation facilities do you need to      provide?

      You need to provide sufficient open space and recreational facilities, to meet       local needs. PPG 17 ‘Planning for open space, sport and recreation’, ODPM, July       2002 states that:
      “To ensure effective planning for open space, sport and recreation it is essential       that the needs of local communities are known. Local authorities should undertake       robust assessments of the existing and future needs of their communities.....”

      In undertaking such an assessment, local authorities are reminded of the need to       audit the quantity, quality and current usage of existing facilities so as to “......allow       local authorities to identify potential for increased use through better design,       management and maintenance” before deciding on the need for new facilities.

      PPG 17 also sets out guidance on the standards of provision:

      “The Government believes that .......standards are best set locally. National       standards cannot cater for local circumstances, such as differing demographic       profiles and the extent of existing built development in the area.”

      PPG 17 goes on to conclude that:

      “Setting robust local standards based on assessments of need and audits of       existing facilities will form the basis for redressing quantitative and qualitative       deficiencies through the planning process. Standards should be included in       development plans”.

      Further more detailed guidance is set out in ‘Assessing Needs and Opportunities:       A companion guide to PPG 17’, Kit Campbell Associates, September 2001.

2) What are the main reasons why people visit parks and open       spaces?

     The main reasons why people visit parks and open spaces according to the       results of the report ‘Use of Public Parks in England", English Heritage, 2003, are:

      • Going for a walk was the most popular reason given for visiting parks (75%).
      • Accompanying a child to a play area was the second most common reason for          visiting parks (43%).
      • 34% who had visited parks had taken part in an informal sporting activity with 23%         of those taking part in an informal game. Informal sporting activity also included         12% who used a park for cycling and 8% for watching sport.
      • Only 11% of park visitors used a park to take part in formal organised sporting          activity with the most popular activity being football (7% of park visitors).

3)  What is the most popular recreational activity in England?

      The most popular leisure activity in England is walking. According to the results       of the ‘England Leisure Visits 2005’, Natural England, 2006, 18% of all leisure       visits was for the purpose of going for a walk or rambling. Taking part in sport or       active pursuits made up 8% of all leisure visits, visiting a park or garden 3%,       informal games or relaxing 3%, and cycling or mountain biking, 2%.


Folded Corner:  ......we have the answers to your questions. Please don’t be afraid to ask. Contact us now!

Fleming Park Leisure Centre floodlit ATP (Image courtesy of Eastleigh Borough Council)
Fleming Park Leisure Centre, Eastleigh (Image courtesy of Eastleigh Borough Council)
A family enjoying the countryside in the North Yorks Moors National Park
Hurst Castle and the salt marsh
Web Site Development and Wildlife Photography by Andrew Walmsley
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